• ESG Governance

    Governance is foundational to our ESG strategy

    • Recognizing the growing significance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns to our stakeholders, Dell Technologies has prioritized ESG material topics where we can have the greatest impact. Furthermore, we have integrated the measurement, management and governance of these topics into our strategic planning and operations. Dell has the opportunity to add long-term value creation, risk mitigation, talent attraction and societal advancement by:

      • Meeting expectations of stakeholders
      • Bringing transparency to and improving our ESG performance
      • Governing ESG strategy, risks and performance

      We have two governance bodies responsible for oversight of ESG issues at Dell: our ESG Steering Committee and ESG Interlock Team.

    • The ESG Steering Committee and the ESG Interlock Team have distinct roles and responsibilities, and align to how we manage risk in the company. We have continued to evolve the responsibilities of these governance bodies to match our growing ESG efforts and follow emerging trends.

      These governance bodies are composed of members from various teams across Dell who create an integrated perspective and approach to ESG. They include representatives from the following business units and corporate functions: sustainability; diversity and inclusion; human resources; giving and social innovation; ethics and privacy; supply chain; corporate affairs; government affairs; internal audit; legal; risk management; investor relations; accounting; and security.

      Together these governance bodies help us develop, manage and measure our ESG strategy and performance.

    • About Dell Technologies Board of Directors

    • Our Board of Directors is committed to operating in a responsible manner

      One of the board’s many strengths stems from the diversity of perspectives and understanding that arises from convening individuals of varied backgrounds and experiences. We currently have two members on our eight-member board who identify as women and one director who identifies as Black/African American, and we will continue to ensure a diverse pool of candidates is considered for each seat. Six of our board members are classified as independent, according to New York Stock Exchange guidelines.

    • Role of the Board of Directors in ESG practices and risks

      Our Board of Directors, directly and through its standing committees, oversees the establishment and maintenance of our governance, compliance and risk oversight processes and procedures to promote the conduct of our business with the highest standards of responsibility, ethics and integrity. Representatives from our ESG Steering Committee report regularly to the Board of Directors. Awareness of key risks associated with ESG, such as adapting to climate change, is a key responsibility of the board.

    • Key responsibilities of our ESG bodies

    • ESG Steering Committee

      • Under the supervision of our leadership team, approves and monitors our annual ESG strategy 
      • Provides leadership oversight on ESG matters, risks and current/future regulation 
      • Allocates available resources to support ESG efforts 
      • Reviews progress toward our ESG goals 
      • Supports efforts to improve performance against priority ESG ratings, rankings and awards 
      • Monitors global ESG regulatory updates and oversees readiness efforts 
      • Engages and provides updates to and from the Dell executive leadership team, Board of Directors and ESG councils
    • ESG Interlock Team

      • Enables the execution of our ESG strategy 
      • Coordinates and executes activities among councils, working groups and departments for key focus areas 
      • Stays aligned and informed on key risks, regulations, emerging trends and stakeholder priorities 
      • Influences decisions that could impact the company’s ESG strategy 
      • Monitors performance against our ESG goals and priority ESG ratings, rankings and awards 
      • Acts as a conduit to other councils and/or stakeholder groups 
      • Engages and provides updates to and from the ESG Steering Committee
    • A comprehensive approach to identifying and managing risks and opportunities

    • Dell is committed to a strong risk management culture. Through risk oversight practices and a culture of risk management among Dell team members, we better understand our potential for risk and opportunity.

      Risk management comprises processes to identify potential, significant risks — and processes for how to manage those risks — to enhance the likelihood of achieving Dell’s business objectives.

      Please refer to our SEC Form 10-K, Item 1A – Risk Factors, for a description of important risks that may impact the company’s performance.

    • We use the framework proposed by the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to ensure that climate risks are governed to the same standard as other risks we face, while acknowledging the unique long-term nature of climate change. Our assessments support our readiness for reporting requirements like the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and TCFD aligned disclosure from various stakeholders, including the governments where we operate and our customers.

      Starting in FY25, updates on how we're integrating these findings will be shared in Dell's Climate Transition Action Plans.

    • FY24 ESG Report

      In our annual ESG report, we demonstrate how our commitments drive climate action, accelerate the circular economy, support digitally inclusive communities and champion our inclusive workforce.

    • Dell Technologies Code of Conduct

      Our Code of Conduct provides guidance on how we carry out our daily activities in accordance with our culture and values.