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Dell Venue Pro 11 -7130/7139  User’s Guide


Charging the Tablet

  • CAUTION: Charge the battery in an ambient temperature of 0 °C to 40 °C.
  • CAUTION: Use only the power adapter and power cable that came with your tablet. Using unauthorized power adapters or power cables may cause severe damage to your tablet.
  • NOTE: The battery is not fully charged when you unpack your tablet.
  1. Connect the power cable into the power adapter.
    Figure displaying the power adapter.
  2. Connect the power adapter to an electrical outlet and charge the tablet until the battery is fully charged.
    • NOTE: The tablet battery requires about 4 hours to fully charge.
    • NOTE: You can also trickle charge the tablet via micro-USB connection. The battery takes up to 24 hours to fully charge depending on the power output of the USB port.

You can check the tablet battery charge status from:

  • Battery-charge light located on the front of the tablet:
    LED BehaviorDescription
    Solid white color onBattery is charging.
    OffBattery is not charging. Either no AC adapter is connected or battery is fully charged.
    Amber color on Momentarily
    • The LED will be solid amber for 2 seconds and then change to solid white. This is an indication that the system cannot power on with the current state of charge, but the battery is being charged.
    • Battery is charging

    • The tablet will not power on.

    • NOTE: You can check the exact battery charge level by booting to the operating system.
  • Battery icons displayed on the screen:
    Battery iconDescription
    Battery is fully charged and AC adapter is connected.
    Battery is charging with AC adapter.
    Your tablet is running on battery power and the battery is discharging.
    Your tablet is plugged in, and either no battery is detected or the battery is not working correctly.
    Battery is at low level.
    Battery is at critical level.

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