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Dell Venue Pro 11 -7130/7139  User’s Guide


System problem

Problems Possible causes Possible solutions
Tablet does not turn on The battery is completely discharged.
  1. Charge the tablet for at least 4 hours.
  2. Press and hold the Power button for 4 seconds.
Tablet does not turn off   Press and hold the Power button for 11 seconds to perform a hard shut down.
Tablet locks up  
  1. Press and hold the power button for 11 seconds to perform a hard shut down.

  2. Remove the power supply and unplug / plug the battery.
Tablet is not responding or behaving unexpectedly
  • Driver failure
  • Operating system failure
  • Virus/Malware
  1. Shut down and restart your tablet.
  2. Refresh the tablet.
  3. Contact Dell’s support service. Go to dell.com/support or dell.com/contactdell.
Software or feature is not working as expected   Restart your tablet. Software updates may have been downloaded in the background. Swipe from the right edge of the display to access the Charms bar and touch Settings PowerRestart to restart the tablet.
Docking station not working as expected   Un-dock / Re-dock your tablet. If the issue still continues, power cycle your tablet on the dock.

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