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Dell Venue Pro 11 -7130/7139  User’s Guide


Removing the Micro-SD card

  • CAUTION: Removing the Micro-SD card when transferring data may cause data loss or result in application errors. Make sure your tablet has finished all save operations to the Micro-SD card.
  1. Enter the Desktop mode. Touch Safely Remove Hardware in the notification area at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
    • NOTE: If you don’t see Safely Remove Hardware, touch Show Hidden Icons to display all icons in the notification area.
  2. Touch Eject SD Memory Card. A message appears confirming that the Micro-SD card can be safely removed. If a warning message appears stating the Micro-SD card cannot be removed, ensure all data transfers involving the Micro-SD card are complete.
  3. Insert the tip of a small bent paperclip into the small hole on the micro-SD slot cover.
  4. Push the tip all the way into the hole until the micro-SD tray ejects. Pull the micro-SD card tray out.
  5. Remove the micro-SD card from the tray. Figure displaying how to remove the micro-SD card from the tablet.

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