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Dell Venue Pro 11 -7130/7139  User’s Guide


The Windows Start Screen

The Windows Start screen displays a list of default and custom Live Tiles, which act as a shortcut to Control Panel, Windows Explorer, Weather application, RSS, Windows Store, Internet Explorer, and other installed applications.

Live Tiles on your Start screen change and update in real time so you can get real-time updates about news or sports, check what your friends are up to, and get the latest weather forecast.

The tile-based user interface gives you direct access to your most recently used applications, Emails, photos, music, videos, contacts, Facebook & Twitter updates, and frequently viewed websites. You can pin your favorite or frequently used applications as Live Tiles to customize the Start screen.

You also can personalize the Start screen by setting your favorite picture as a wallpaper.

  • NOTE: Live Tiles can be added or removed by using Pin or Unpin options.

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