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Dell Venue Pro 11 -7130/7139  User’s Guide


Using Microsoft account

If your computer has Microsoft Windows 8.1 installed, you can synchronize user settings of your tablet with your computer using a Microsoft account. When you sign in with your Microsoft account on your tablet, you can automatically synchronize your settings, including internet browser history, application settings, and personal files etc., with other Windows 8.1 PCs and Windows 8.1 tablets.
  • NOTE: You need a wireless connection for both your computer and tablet.
  1. Go to Charms bar, then click SettingsPC Settings →Accounts → Switch to a Microsoft account to switch your computer local account to your Microsoft account.
  2. A new option will be added to PC Settings called Sync your settings.
  3. Click SettingsPC Settings → More PC Settings → Sync your settings to show all kind of toggles for synchronizing your data and settings.

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