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Dell Venue Pro 11 -7130/7139  User’s Guide


Mobile broadband setting

Turning On/Off mobile broadband

  1. Swipe from the right edge of the display to access the Charms bar.
  2. Touch SettingsChange PC settingsNetworksAirplane mode.
  3. Swipe Mobile broadband icon left or right to turn mobile broadband on or off.
    Figure displaying turning the mobile broadband connection on/off.
  1. Ensure an active SIM card is inserted into the tablet.
  2. Swipe from the right edge of the display to access the Charms bar.
  3. Touch SettingNetworkConnectionsYour Service ProviderConnect.
  4. The estimated data usage will be shown once the mobile broadband network is enabled. Figure displaying the mobile broadband connection settings window.
  • NOTE: You can choose the option Connect automatically to connect the mobile broadband automatically.
  • NOTE: Your tablet will automatically prioritize Wi-Fi networks over mobile broadband networks, when both are available. If your tablet is connected to the mobile broadband and any of saved Wi-Fi connections comes within range, it will disconnect from the mobile network and connect to the Wi-Fi automatically. For more information on turning on Wi-Fi network, see Wi-Fi setting.
  1. Swipe from the right edge of the display to access the Charms bar.
  2. Touch SettingNetworkYour Service ProviderDisconnect.
  • NOTE: Once your tablet has disconnected from mobile broadband, the option Connect automatically will be disabled as well.
  1. Swipe from the right edge of the display to access the Charms bar.
  2. Touch SettingsNetworks .
  3. Touch and hold Your Service Provider or right-click if docked.
    • Touch Show estimated data usage/Hide estimated data usage to show or hide your data usage.
    • Touch Set as metered connection/Non metered connection to set a particular connection as a metered/non-metered connection.
    • Touch View connection properties to view your connected mobile broadband properties.
  • NOTE: If the option Set as metered connection is enabled, Windows Update will not download updates automatically unless it is a high priority, critical security update.
  1. Swipe from the right edge of the display to access the Charms bar.
  2. Touch SettingsChange PC settingsNetwork.
  3. Touch Your Service Provider to view the hardware information including the subscriber information and International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number.
    Figure displaying service provider hardware information.
  1. Swipe from the right edge of the display to access the Charms bar.
  2. Touch SettingsNetwork.
  3. Touch and hold Your Service Provider or right-clicked if docked.
  4. Touch View connection properties→Security→Use a PIN.
  5. Enter your SIM PIN Code.
  • NOTE:Your Service Provider refers to the network service providers available in your location.
  • CAUTION: If you enter the incorrect PIN code, your mobile broadband connection will not be established. If you unsuccessfully enter the code three times, your SIM card will be locked. To unlock the SIM card, contact your service provider to get a Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) to unlock the SIM card.
  • NOTE: Before you contact your carrier, have your IMEI number ready.

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