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Dell Venue Pro 11 -7130/7139  User’s Guide


Desktop Dock Features

This section provides information about the features available on the Desktop dock.

Figure displaying the image of the desktop dock.

1 USB 3.0 connectorConnect USB devices, such as flash memory.
2 Audio connectorConnect headphones or external speakers.
3 Power status lightIndicates the power status.
4 Docking connectorConnect the docking connector on the tablet.
5 Power connectorConnect the AC adapter.
6 USB 3.0 connectorsConnect USB devices, such as flash memory.
7 Network connectorConnect an Ethernet cable for internet access.
8 HDMI connectorConnect HDMI-capable devices such as projectors, TV’s, and monitors.
9 DisplayPort connectorConnect DisplayPort-capable devices such as projectors, TV’s, and monitors.
  • NOTE: Display port output supports only direct DisplayPort to DisplayPort or active DisplayPort adapters.  Passive adapters are not supported by display port.
  • NOTE: The desktop dock will only support USB 2.0 when docked with Venue Pro 11–5130.
  • NOTE: The Desktop dock is sold separately and is not shipped with the tablet.
  • NOTE: In Venue Pro 11–5130, you can use the HDMI connector or DisplayPort connector to mirror the same external display. You can use unique content display through the HDMI connector or DisplayPort connector only in Venue Pro 11 – 7130/7139.

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