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Dell Venue Pro 11 -7130/7139  User’s Guide


Turning off Your Tablet

Turning off your tablet completely shuts down your tablet. You can turn off your tablet by two ways:
  • Using power button
  • Using charms menu
  1. To turn off your tablet using power button:
    1. Press and hold the Power button power button icon until you see “Slide to shut down your PC” on the screen.

      Figure displaying how to turn off your tablet.

      • NOTE: After you press and hold the Power button, by default, the “Slide to shut down your PC” screen displays only in Venue 11 Pro 7130 . For Venue 11 pro 7130 vPro and Venue 11 Pro 7139 , by default, the tablet enters sleep mode. However, if you change the power button setting to shut down, the tablet shuts down. To change the power button setting, go to Control Panel > Power Options > Change Plan Setting > Change Advanced Power Settings . To access Control Panel, swipe at the right edge of the screen, tap Search, enter Control Panel in the search box, and then click Control Panel.
    2. Slide to shut down your tablet.
    • NOTE: You can also turn off your tablet without sliding down the screen. Press and hold the Powerpower button icon button for >10 seconds to turn off your tablet. You can perform this force shutdown, if your tablet is not responding / behaving unexpectedly or touch is not working.
  2. To turn off your tablet using the charms menu:
    1. Swipe from the right edge of the display to access the Charms menu.
    2. Touch Settingssettings icon —> Powerpower icon —> Shut down to turn off the tablet.

      Figure displaying how to turn off your tablet using charms menu.

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