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Dell Venue Pro 11 -7130/7139  User’s Guide




Your tablet has a multi-touch display. You can touch the screen to operate the tablet.

Gesture ActionsFunctions

Tap gently on the display with your fingertip.

Figure displaying how to perform a touch action.

  • Select items on the screen, including options, entries, images, and icons
  • Start applications
  • Touch buttons on the screen
  • Input text using the on-screen keyboard
Touch and Hold

Touch and hold your finger on the display

Figure displaying how to perform a touch and hold action.

  • Display detailed information about an item
  • Open the context menu of an item to perform further actions
Drag and Drop
  1. Touch and hold your finger on an item on the screen
  2. Keeping your finger in contact with the display, move your fingertip to the desired location
  3. Take your finger off the display to drop the item in the desired location

Figure displaying how to perform a drag and drop action.

Move item such as images and icons on the screen
Swipe or Slide

Move your finger in a vertical or horizontal direction on the display

Figure displaying how to perform a swipe or slide action.

  • Scroll through the Start screen, web pages, lists, entries, photos, contacts, and so on
  • Close an application. (Swipe the application to the bottom of the display)
Zoom in

Touch the display with two fingers and then move the fingers apart

Figure displaying how to perform a zoom-in action.

Enlarge the view of an image or web page
Zoom out

Touch the display with two fingers and then move the fingers closer

Figure displaying how to perform a zoom-out action.

Reduce the view of an image or web page

Touch the display with two or more fingers and then move the fingers in a clockwise or counter-clockwise arc

Figure displaying how to perform a rotate action.

Rotate an object by 90 degrees

To perform a right-click on your tablet, Touch and Hold your finger for 2 seconds on any section of the screen or an icon and then release your finger.

The options menu appears on the screen.

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