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Dell Venue Pro 11 -7130/7139  User’s Guide


Mobile Keyboard Dock Features

This section provides information about the features available on the keyboard dock.
1 Docking connectors Connect the docking guide slots on the tablet.
2 Rotatable hingeAllows the tablet to rotate around the hinges.
3 Touch padAllows you to move the mouse pointer on the screen and provides the function of a mouse.
4 Dock PinsAllows the tablet to make electrical contact with the dock.
5 micro USB power connectorConnect a micro USB charger to charge the dock
6 Caps Lock LEDIndicates if the Caps Lock key on the keyboard is turned on.
7 Battery charge LEDIndicates if the battery is charging when connected to AC power.
  • NOTE: It is recommended / easier to dock the tablet at a 90-degree angle.
  • NOTE: The keyboard dock is sold separately and is not shipped with the tablet.

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