You can run the
ddutil command as the root user with the appropriate
-v option to verify the connectivity from the
ddbmcon program to the Oracle database.
The following subtopics describe the three supported levels of verification with the
ddutil -v command:
System verification
Asset verification
RMAN verification
System verification
To perform the system verification, run the
ddutil -v system command as the root user.
ddutil -v system command verifies the connectivity to the Oracle instances.
For example, the following
ddutil -v system command lists one Oracle instance and the authentication type as operating system user:
ddutil -v system
Reported application instance:
Install location: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1
Database identifier: testdb
Oracle SID: testdb
Authentication type: operating system user
Asset verification
To perform the asset verification, run the
ddutil -v asset command as the root user. The command verifies the ability to read the Oracle database objects, and provides similar output to the system verification command.
For example, the following
ddutil -v asset command lists one Oracle instance, the database type, and the storage capacity:
To perform the RMAN verification, run the
ddutil -v rman command as the root user. This verification is required only if you use an RMAN catalog. Database authentication or Oracle wallet authentication can be used to connect to an RMAN catalog. (Operating system authentication cannot be used with the RMAN catalog.)
ddutil -v rman command tests whether the
program can connect to the target database and catalog database through an RMAN script, as required to perform an active deletion of Oracle backups.
NOTE To enable an active deletion through RMAN, the DD credential must be stored in the lockbox.
ddutil -v rman command displays the following three sections of output for the RMAN verification:
Target database connection information:
Authentication type, which is listed as operating system user, Oracle database user, or Oracle wallet user.
For operating system authentication, only the operating system user is listed.
For database authentication, the operating system user, Oracle service, and database user are listed.
For Oracle wallet authentication, the Oracle service and
TNS_ADMIN value are listed.
Catalog database connection information:
Authentication method, which is listed as Oracle database user or Oracle wallet user.
For database authentication, the database service and database user are listed.
For Oracle wallet authentication, the Oracle service and
TNS_ADMIN value are listed.
Output of the RMAN script, which shows the connection information and any error messages.
For example, the following
ddutil -v rman command displays the three sections of output. The output shows that the database authentication method is used for both the target database and catalog database:
ddutil -v rman
'RMAN_AGENT_HOME' is retrieved from ddutil runtime location as '/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent'.
The ORACLE_HOME environment variable could not be retrieved.
Reported RMAN instance connection:
Oracle SID: CER
Target database authentication: Oracle database user
Oracle OS dba user: oracer
Oracle service: CER
Oracle database user: system
RMAN catalog authentication: Oracle database user
Catalog database service:
Catalog database user: catowner
RMAN output:
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Fri Dec 15 14:30:15 2017
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
RMAN> connect ********
3> connect *********
connected to target database: CER (DBID=1040017416)
connected to recovery catalog database
Recovery Manager complete
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