Przejdź do głównej zawartości
  • Szybkie i łatwe składanie zamówień
  • Wyświetlanie zamówień i śledzenie stanu wysyłki
  • Tworzenie i dostęp do listy produktów
  • Na firmowej stronie administracji możesz zarządzać witrynami, produktami i danymi kontaktowymi firmy Dell EMC.

SupportAssist for Business PCs Deployment Guide for Partners

Set up and connect with SupportAssist (TechDirect)

As a first time SupportAssist user, TechDirect enables you to download a custom deployment package and use the Deployment Package Manager to customize and create SupportAssist deployment packages that you can deploy on your managed PCs. You can then add contact and shipping information, and configure any default SupportAssist preferences. See Create a new deployment.

If the customer has approved you to Deploy & manage, you can create a SupportAssist deployment package using the Deployment Package Manager and configure the SupportAssist preferences. The deployment package can be deployed to install SupportAssist on their PC fleet.

If the customer has approved you to Deploy only, you can only create a SupportAssist deployment package using the Deployment Package Manager. The deployment package can be deployed to install SupportAssist on their PC fleet.

If you have already deployed SupportAssist on your PC fleet, you can manage deployments for your sites and sites that are created by other administrators, if permitted. You can also configure settings, download the Deployment Package Manager, or activate SupportAssist using an activation file. See Manage deployment for an existing site.

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