Boomi Suggest: taking the guesswork out of data mapping

The Boomi team just wrapped up our Fall 11 launch, and we’re very excited about every new and updated feature that helps simplify customers’ move to the cloud. There’s one feature, however, that deserves a little extra recognition and remains a standout achievement in my mind. This capability, known as Boomi Suggest, is one I’m most enthusiastic to share with our customers.

Originally launched in June of 2010, Boomi Suggest was the industry’s first and only suggestion wizard for data mapping. This feature allows customers to tap into the knowledge of the entire user community here at Dell Boomi for proven best practices in data mapping. By anonymously indexing over 50,000 data maps and 13,000 map functions created on the AtomSphere platform, Boomi Suggest leverages previously built maps to recommend and automatically generate mappings for new integrations that have worked for other customers with similar application integrations.

As medium and large enterprises continue to implement cloud integrations, data mapping and map function creation remain a time consuming step of integration configuration. In order to simplify our customers’ move to the cloud and take out the complexity associated with data mapping, we have continued to build upon the success of Boomi Suggest to ensure our users that they are following best practices for integration.

As users build and deploy integrations, AtomSphere will anonymously index data maps and map functions. When new integrations are built, Boomi Suggest recommends mappings based on powerful ranking algorithms that weight suggestions based on similarity and relationships of data fields. With this tool, users are averaging 68 suggested mappings per map with 85% of these suggestions accepted, leading to much shorter time to value.

Boomi Suggest is one more piece of evidence that both AtomSphere Fall 11 and Dell Boomi as a whole are being vastly influenced by our community. It’s a testament, as well, to the commitment we feel to our customers, as we continually look for ways to connect people and simplify their paths to the cloud.

About the Author: Ralph Hibbs