Envisioning the Future with Titanium Black Partners

The IT industry is one of constant change, perhaps never greater than right now – from sweeping consolidation, to revolutionizing IT infrastructure. Transformation is happening all around us – at Dell, we talk about the four critical transformations we believe every organization must embrace to remain competitive.

Being a viable business today means having a strong point-of-view of where the world is going tomorrow. Earlier this month, during our Titanium Black “Access to the Future” experience, we shared with these select, elite Partners Dell’s vision for the future, how we’re thinking about 2030 – from our technology roadmap, to our go-to-market plans. Titanium Black Partners are innovating in incredible ways, going big and winning big with Dell’s best-in-class portfolio, and architecting real and meaningful change for our end users. They understand the four transformations as essential, and are helping their customers prepare for tomorrow… today.

Hearing and engaging with Dell leadership, including Michael Dell, Jeff Clarke, Tom Sweet, Howard Elias, Rory Read, Jeremy Burton, Marius Haas, Bill Scannell and John Roese, we discussed the decisions and influences shaping how Dell will remain competitive and win, and how our Partners can align and embed with us.

As we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our Partners, we face an exciting future. One that promises continued evolution and even revolution. One that holds tremendous opportunities. Titanium Black Partners told me throughout “Access to the Future” that they are on board with us 100%. They told me they are excited about and confident in our vision and strategy. Most importantly, they told me they can see and feel how Dell and our Partners will lead and continue to grow… together.

Global Channels is a powerful force in Dell’s success, with our incredible Titanium Black Partners leading the way. No one at “Access to the Future” is settling for ordinary. We are charging full force towards Extraordinary.

About the Author: John Byrne