Hard Work Pays Off for Dell SonicWALL with Best in Biz Awards – Dell SuperMassive 9000 Series Wins Silver

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How do you know when all of your hard work is paying off? Well, one way is when folks outside of your company recognize your successes. Last week Best in Biz Awards, an independent business awards program judged by members of the press and industry analysts, announced the winners in its inaugural global competition – and Dell SonicWALL took home two highly coveted awards! More than 150 entries were received from an impressive array of public and private companies representing more than 25 countries and a variety of industries and sectors.

 We took home a silver award for our SuperMassive 9000 Series in the enterprise software of the year. Our Dell SonicWALL SuperMassive 9000 Series Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFW) are designed to deliver deep security to the enterprise at multi-gigabit speeds. Offering enterprise class security and performance, the SuperMassive 9000 Series detects and blocks the most sophisticated threats before they can enter the network with minimal latency for every connection on the network. Utilizing higher core density architecture in an elegant one rack unit appliance, the SuperMassive 9000 Series saves rack space and lowers power and cooling costs. Its multicore design handles traffic spikes without impacting network performance.

The Dell SonicWALL SuperMassive series provides an unmatched collection of critical business benefits and features at an unparalleled price point. Other vendors often tout high firewall throughput figures exceeding hundreds of Gbps. Throughput is determined though using an outdated and insufficient technology when used alone.

Unlike legacy firewall and intrusion prevention technologies, the Dell SonicWALL SuperMassive 9000 Series blocks threats before they enter the network by looking at all traffic, regardless of port or protocol, using Dell SonicWALL’s patented Reassembly-Free Deep Packet Inspection® (RFDPI) technology.

 In a completely different category, our Public Relations team was awarded the gold for our Olympic productivity campaign. This campaign was executed in August 2012, planned for high-visibility and global reach. It was one story with one very powerful message that warned businesses of the possible drain on bandwidth and exposure to threat vectors from employees watching the Olympic Games on the corporate network. The campaign generated over 30 press stories and global mentions.

In just 10 days, press in more than 15 countries carried this story! For an overview of our Olympic campaign coverage, check out this video.

Winning these awards from Best in Biz Awards recognizes the efforts of our teams in producing outstanding products that address market needs and also highlighting our products and capabilities. For a full list of gold, silver and bronze award winners in Best in Biz Awards 2013 International, check out: http://intl.bestinbizawards.com/intl-2013-winners. Hard work is its own reward, but it’s also great to receive third party recognition. Congrats to those involved!!

About the Author: Dianne L. Tongco

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