In the City of Stars, the Dell Inspiron All-in-One Shined the Brightest!

As I made my way through the pulsating crowd of travellers at LAX, my mind continued to reflect on the three days of fun and festivities I just experienced at the Life@50+, AARP National Event and Expo.  With legendary comedians  Carol Burnett and Tim Conway and fashion guru Tim Gunn in attendance, the atmosphere at the AARP event was like a pep rally, a rock concert (did I mention attendees were ‘Dancing on the ceiling?’),  a thought-provoking and entertaining forum, and a carnival all rolled into one!  Since this event allows members of the 50+ community to come together (approximately 25,000), share experiences of gracious living and take advantage of opportunities to learn new things, I tagged along with the Dell team to promote the attention grabber and visually cool Dell Inspiron All-In-One (AIO). 

If you were fortunate enough to walk by the Dell booth during the three day event and saw a huddle of curious onlookers, I can assure you it was the Dell AIO.  Expo attendees who caught news of the AIO came to the booth and confirmed the fabled product tales of ‘One Cord Plug-in’, ‘Tower in a Monitor’, ‘Snake Pit Solution’, and ‘Skyping with the grandkids’.  The crowd became even more astonished by the extensive system features they saw and the great value for the price. An octogenarian even told me that she might have a heart attack because there is no way a ‘box with all these features including a camera’ can sell for a price below $1000.

Booth attendees fell in love with the AIO.  Some bought one or more on the spot and others did not, but most went out and became AIO evangelists preaching the functional attributes of this exceptional machine.  Remember the epic figure of the Man with No Name from the Clint Eastwood’s spaghetti western days?  Well, that was the AIO; a system whose fame and buzz grew by mere whispers within the 50+ community and whose eventual revelation was so enthralling.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Check out the videos below:

About the Author: Mobolaji Sokunbi