Set your data free, and business results will follow

By Brett Hansen, Executive Director, Dell Data Security Solutions, Dell Inc.

Thomas Edison once said that “the value of an idea lies in the using of it.” He was referring to the practical application of his inventions, such as electric light, recorded sound, and motion pictures. Today, the same can be said of data.

For the full potential of data to be realized, it must be delivered into the hands of people who can act on it, wherever they are, whenever they need it. And organizations of all shapes and sizes agree that mobile technology is an important way to accomplish this.

Yet according to the Dell Global Technology Adoption Index , nearly half of enterprises say they are curbing their mobile ambitions out of fear of security vulnerabilities. They put data behind walls. They restrict its movement. And in so doing, they diminish its value and the ability for their workforce to be productive.

At Dell, we think it’s time to start thinking about security differently. That’s why we’re pioneering new approaches and moving towards a future of self-protecting data. Innovative and intelligent data security solutions like these will allow the data to move freely, giving companies the confidence to fully exploit its value.

This is a fundamental shift. And it takes us a step closer to fulfilling the true promise of data security: allowing faster sales growth, enabling new models of collaboration, and putting valuable data at your employees’ fingertips.

As business leaders of future-ready enterprises, we invest in the collection and analysis of data because we are convinced of its inherent value; that it will yield insight and drive business outcomes. Mobility amplifies that value. But if security concerns prevent us from distributing the data, we severely limit the return on our investment.

It’s time to take a modern approach to information security and mobility. It’s time to start applying our hard-won insight to enable innovation and drive measurable business results. It’s time to secure the data and set your people free to succeed like never before.

Learn more about Dell Data Security Solutions with Intel® technology.

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