Your time is important! To help you be more efficient using EMC Online Support we have provided you the ability to view your open service requests and customize your view preferences. When you customize your view in Service Request Management, it automatically saves, so you will have the same look and feel the next time you view your service requests.
You can get to Service Request Management option easily from any page by clicking ”Manage Service Requests”, located under the Service Center option of the sub-navigation menu.
This will direct you to the Service Request Management page, which defaults to the My Service Requests view. You will see that there are four different service request views to choose from (see below). Each of the four views is presented in the same “list grid” format, which is also able to be customized.
Each view provides a different way for you to manage and track open Service Requests. Here is a description of each Service Request view offered:
(1) My Service Requests view
- There are two tabs in this view.
- Displays Service Requests for which you are the Primary Contact in the My Service Requests tab view.
- Displays Service Requests you have tagged through the “Watch” function (On the “Watched Service Requests” tab view).
(2) My Site(s) Service Requests view
- Displays the all of the Service Requests for the sites that you have added to your profile via the Company Administration function. Note: this function can also be accessed under the Service Center option in the sub-navigation menu.
- More information about this function is available in the Company Administration Help topic, or this Company Administration blog post.
(3) My Product Groups Service Request view
- Displays the Service Requests for any products that are included within My Product Groups.
- You can view Service Requests by selecting one or many of your product groups.
- More information about how to customize your company’s product groups is available in the My Product Groups Help topic, or this My Product Groups blog post.
- Here is an example where two product groups are selected. In the top window, it is showing 18 products in total, and in the bottom window, it is showing that there are 19 existing service requests for these products.
(4) Query Service Requests view
- Create, run and save queries to group service requests based on parameters that you define.
- Query page results are obtained in different ways. You can query by site ID or by Product ID.
- Once you select a site, a group of sites, or a product, additional filters are available such as status, severity, dial-home, and date range.
- Click Run Query and the search results will appear in the standard list format providing all sorting, exporting, and filtering functionality.
- You have the option of saving this query by clicking on Save Query to run it again in the future.
- Click on Saved Queries to run or edit a previously saved query.
Do not forget that each of these Service Request views has a “list grid” format, which you can customize as follows:
- Sort the list grid by column in ascending/descending order.
- Filter by the data in the column.
- Select which columns you want to display/not display.
- Customize the order of the columns from left to right (just drag/drop the column header).
- Any of the list grid customizations you make are automatically saved for your next visit to Online Support.
Thank you, and please post any feedback or questions you have as a “question” on this post.
Brant Harmon,
Online Support Service Center SME
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