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Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI v2.30.30.30 User's Guide

Benefits of using iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller

The benefits include:

  • Increased availability — Early notification of potential or actual failures that help prevent a server failure or reduce recovery time after failure.
  • Improved productivity and lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) — Extending the reach of administrators to larger number of distant servers can make the IT staff more productive while driving down operational costs such as travel.
  • Secure environment — By providing secure access to remote servers, administrators can perform critical management functions while maintaining server and network security.
  • Enhanced embedded management through Lifecycle Controller — Lifecycle Controller provides deployment and simplified serviceability through the Lifecycle Controller GUI for local deployment and Remote Services (WS-Man) interfaces for remote deployment integrated with Dell OpenManage Essentials and partner consoles.

For more information on iDRAC, see the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller User’s Guide at dell.com/support/home. For more information on WS-Man, see the Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI User’s Guide at delltechcenter.com/lc.

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