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Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI v2.30.30.30 User's Guide

Using a non-proxy FTP server

Lifecycle Controller can access the latest firmware from ftp.dell.com. It downloads the DUPs from this location to perform firmware update.

Before performing an update using a non-proxy FTP server, make sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • The network settings are configured ( Settings > Network Settings ).
  • The updates are downloaded using Dell Repository Manager , and the repository is created on an internal FTP server.
To update the system using the Dell FTP server, internal FTP server, or service provider’s FTP server:
  • Dell FTP Server — In the Address field, enter only ftp.dell.com.
  • Internal FTP server or service provider’s FTP server — Enter the following details:
    • User Name — The user name to access the FTP location.
    • Password — The password to access the FTP location.
    • File Path or Update package path — Name of the DUP location or subdirectory where the catalog is available.

      This step is optional for operating system driver source.

      • NOTE: If the catalog file is located in the root folder, do not enter the file name in the File Path or Update package path field. However, if the catalog file is located in a subdirectory, enter the subdirectory name.
      • NOTE: If the catalog file or DUP is downloaded from ftp.dell.com, do not copy them to a subdirectory.
      • NOTE: Lifecycle Controller allows 256 characters in a path that includes the file name and file extension. For example, if 56 characters are used for file name and extension, only 200 characters can be used for the path. Lifecycle Controller does not support these characters -:, *,?,”,<,>,|,#,%,^, and SPACE.

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