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Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI v2.30.30.30 User's Guide

Enabling or disabling a vFlash SD card

  • NOTE: Make sure to set the write-protect latch on the vFlash SD card to the off position.
If set to Enabled, the vFlash SD card appears in the BIOS boot order, allowing you to boot from the vFlash SD card. If set to Disabled, virtual flash is not accessible.

To enable or disable a vFlash SD card:

  1. Start Lifecycle Controller. For more information, see Starting Lifecycle Controller.
  2. In the left pane, click Hardware Configuration.
  3. In the right pane, click Configuration Wizards.
  4. Under System Configuration Wizards, click vFlash SD Card Configuration. The vFlash SD Card page is displayed.
  5. From the vFlash SD card drop-down menu, select Enabled or Disabled.
  6. Click Finish to apply the changes.

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