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Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI v2.30.30.30 User's Guide

Foreign configuration found

The Foreign Configuration Found page is displayed only if a foreign configuration physical disk drive resides on the selected RAID controller or any uninitialized physical disk drives present on the system.

A foreign configuration is a set of physical disk drives containing a RAID configuration that is introduced to the system, but is not managed by the RAID controller to which it is attached. You may have a foreign configuration if physical disk drives have been moved from one RAID controller to another RAID controller.

  • NOTE: Import Foreign Configuration is supported from System Setup > Advanced Hardware Configuration > Device Settings .

You have two options: Ignore Foreign Configuration and Clear Foreign Configuration.

  • If the foreign configuration contains data that you require, click Ignore Foreign Configuration. If you click this option, the disk drive space containing the foreign configuration is not available for use in a new virtual drive.
  • To delete all data on the physical disk drives containing the foreign configuration, click Clear Foreign Configuration. This option deletes the hard-disk drive space containing the foreign configuration and makes it available for use in a new virtual drive.

After selecting one of the above options, click Next.

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