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Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI v2.30.30.30 User's Guide

Configuring vFlash SD card

Use the licensed feature to enable or disable the vFlash SD card, check the health and properties, and initialize the vFlash SD card. Lifecycle Controller support vFlash SD cards of sizes 1 GB, 2 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB, and 32 GB.

  • NOTE: The options under vFlash SD card are grayed-out if there is no SD card inserted in the slot.

See the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) User’s Guide available at dell.com/support/home for more information on vFlash SD card and the installation procedure.

Use the vFlash SD card configuration feature to:

  • Enable or disable vFlash SD card.
  • Determine the vFlash SD card properties:
    • Name — Displays the name of the vFlash SD card.
    • Health — Displays health states such as OK, Warning, and Critical.
    • Size — Indicates the total size of the vFlash SD card.
    • Available Space — Indicates the available size on the vFlash SD card to create a new partition.
    • Write Protected — Indicates if the write-protect latch on the vFlash SD card is set to on or off position.
  • Initialize vFlash — Deletes all the existing partitions on the vFlash SD card.

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