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Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI v2.30.30.30 User's Guide

Serial communications screen

Menu Item Description
Serial Communication Allows you to select serial communication devices (Serial Device 1 and Serial Device 2) in the BIOS. BIOS console redirection can also be enabled and the port address can be specified. By default, Serial Communication option is set to On without Console Redirection .
Serial Port Address Allows you to set the port address for serial devices. By default, the Serial Port Address option is set to Serial Device 1=COM2, Serial Device 2=COM1.
  • NOTE: Only Serial Device 2 can be used for Serial Over LAN (SOL). To use console redirection by SOL, configure the same port address for console redirection and the serial device.
External Serial Connector Allows you to associate the external serial connector to serial device 1, serial device 2, or remote access device. By default, the External Serial Connector option is set to Serial Device1.
  • NOTE: Only Serial Device 2 can be used for SOL. To use console redirection by SOL, configure the same port address for console redirection and the serial device.
Failsafe Baud Rate Displays the failsafe baud rate for console redirection. The BIOS attempts to determine the baud rate automatically. This failsafe baud rate is used only if the attempt fails and the value must not be changed. By default, the Failsafe Baud Rate option is set to 11520.
Remote Terminal Type Allows you to set the remote console terminal type. By default, the Remote Terminal Type option is set to VT 100/VT 220.
Redirection After Boot Allows you to enable or disable to the BIOS console redirection when the operating system is loaded. By default, the Redirection After Boot option is set to Enabled.

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