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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Change the system locale

You can change your system locale if your locale setting is not set correctly for the supported regions.

About this task

NOTE: You must select the same locale on both the old and new PCs.
See Table 1 for the list of supported locales.

When Dell Data Assistant is launched on the old PC, it runs a series of prechecks to validate that the PC has the required prerequisites for Migrate. One of the prechecks is the locale settings.

If the PCs are not on the supported locale, Migrate prompts you to change to a supported locale and try again.

Figure 1. Local setting not supported in Data Assistant
Local setting is not supported in Dell Data Assistant


  1. In the search box next to the start icon on the taskbar, enter control. Click Control Panel from the list of results.
    Figure 2. Search for Control Panel using Run
    Search for Control Panel using Run
  2. In Control Panel, click Time & Language > Region > Administrative > Change system locale.
    Figure 3. Region
  3. Select a new system locale from the supported list of locales, and click OK.
    Figure 4. Region Settings
    Region Settings
  4. Click Restart Now to restart your PC for the changes to take place.

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