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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Troubleshooting when network is disconnected on new PC


  1. Check for the network that got disconnected. Look at the information in the expander on the upper right or the message that is displayed in the center of the application to find the network that got disconnected. For example, FancyNancy is the paired network.
    Figure 1. Your PC has lost connection to the other PC
    Lost connection to other PC is displayed on your new PC
  2. Click the WiFi icon to check which network you are currently connected to.
    Figure 2. Checking WiFi settings on your new PC
    Checking WiFi settings on your new PC
  3. If the PC is connected to a network other than the original network used for pairing, click Windows Network & Internet settings, select the original network, then click Connect.
    After connecting to the correct network, Data Assistant should successfully transition away from the Network Disconnection page and proceed with the next step.
  4. If the migration does not proceed after a prolonged period, restart the migration on both the old and the new PCs.

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