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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Code verification

The six-digit verification code that is displayed on Data Assistant helps you to securely connect to the other PC and transfer data securely.

After the verification code is displayed, a provision to enter the code on Migrate within SupportAssist is displayed. The code is refreshed every minute. Ensure that to enter the correct code on Migrate for both the old and the new PCs to pair. After three incorrect attempts, Migrate gets disabled for a few seconds for security reasons. After the timeout, Migrate is enabled, and you can enter the code again.

Figure 1. Verifying Code in Data Assistant
Verifying Code inDell Data Assistant

During this process, Data Assistant might go back to the previous page due to one of the following reasons:

  • Network is disconnected on either the old or the new PC
  • WiFi is turned off on either the old or the new PC
  • Either the old or the new PC is connected to VPN
  • Modem or router is turned off
  • New PC running Migrate within SupportAssist is turned off
  • You have manually blocked the incoming firewall option from Window Defender Firewall or any other firewall
  • Anti-virus software is blocking the firewall connection to communicate between the old and the new PCs

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