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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Launch Migrate through SupportAssist on your new Dell PC


  1. In the search box next to the Start icon on the taskbar, enter SupportAssist. Click SupportAssist from the list of results.
    NOTE: If SupportAssist is not installed on your PC, download SupportAssist and install it.
  2. Perform one of the following steps:
    • Click Yes on the Would you like to start using Dell Migrate banner.
    • Click Go now in the Dell Migrate can help you copy your files and settings to your new PC, and securely erase data from your old one section.
    Figure 1. Opening SupportAssist on your new PC
    Opening SupportAssist on your new PC
    The Migrate page is displayed.
  3. To read the service contract, click Terms and conditions.
  4. Click Let's get started to connect both the old and the new PCs.

    If you are unable to launch Migrate, see Troubleshooting issues with launching Data Assistant on the old PC.

    Figure 2. Data Assistant welcome page on your new PC
    Dell Data Assistant welcome page on your new PC

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