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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Create Data Assistant shortcut

The desktop shortcut reduces the effort of having to navigate to C:/Dell/DellDataAssistant or search in Start for launching Data Assistant.

If Data Assistant is about to close, click Yes to create a Data Assistant shortcut on the desktop.
Figure 1. Create shortcut
Create shortcut

If Data Assistant is about to close while some activity is in progress, the following message is displayed: If you click Close, Data Assistant will be interupter, but you can always come back at another time.

Select Create a desktop shortcut to make Dell Data Assistant easy to find, and click Close to create a shortcut on the desktop.
Figure 2. Create shortcut option
Create shortcut option
If you want to disable the shortcut creation, clear Create a desktop shortcut to make Dell Data Assistant easy to find.
Figure 3. Shortcut not present
Shortcut not present
If the Data Assistant shortcut is present on the desktop, and Data Assistant is about to close while some activity is in progress, click Close to cancel the migration.
Figure 4. Shortcut already present
Shortcut already present

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