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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Tips for faster data migration using LAN cable

Prerequisite for data migration using LAN cable

You must have a Cat5e or newer LAN cable.

Using a LAN cable

Connect both the PCs using a LAN cable. If a LAN port is not available, you can use a USB A or USB C adapter. Alternatively, you can perform data migration by connecting the PCs to a router through a LAN cable.

Types of LAN cables

Local area network cables are typically referred to as LAN cables or Ethernet cables. You can connect these to your router and network port of your computer.

LAN cables come in various standards, including Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a, Cat7, Cat7a, and Cat8. Regardless of type, they have the same RJ45 connector on each end.

In general, performance improves with each standard. Cat5e cables are faster than Cat5.

Most LAN cables have the standard name printed on the cable body.

Procedure for connecting PCs using a LAN cable

Physically connect one end of the LAN cable to the old PC and the other end to the new PC. Ensure that both the PCs are connected using the same port for network sharing.

To complete the Data migration process, see Migrate and erase data from old PC.

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