How Was Work Today? Here’s How It Will Be Tomorrow.

Did you spend most of your work day in an office today? If you did, you’re part of the majority as 97 percent of employees spend at least some time in their employer’s office. And despite all the bad things we’re learning about sitting for long periods, half of them still feel very or extremely comfortable at their desk.

While you were sitting there, did you instant message someone just a few cubes away instead of getting up to talk to them face-to-face? I’m guilty of doing that myself, and so are 51 percent of the people we recently surveyed for the second Global Evolving Workforce Study that we first introduced in October 2011 in partnership with Intel.

There are some differences in the two studies in terms of countries and questions, but there were still some key themes touched on in both. And overall, one big takeaway from both of the studies is consistent — IT managers need to employ an individual approach to workers needs based on industry and role to enable productivity.

There’s great insight in this study for business leaders and human resource professionals, too. Everyone within an organization should focus on the following to better understand their employees’ diverse needs and provide the right environments and technology to enable them to do their best work.

  • Activity-based work – Provide the right technology for the job, which may mean multiple devices.
  • Seamless Access – Provide employees with seamless access to their data and applications from any device, anywhere, at any time.
  • Security – Ensure not only all BYOD devices are known and secured but the user and access to information is managed and secured.
  • Diverse Environments – As innovations in technology continue to advance, people have increasing flexibility to choose when and where they meet their professional obligations so employers need to provide the tools to enable them to be effective in their preferred environment. For those who don’t have the flexibility, provide a variety of workspaces to meet the task at hand. 

I’m one of the many who take advantage of such diverse work environments. I’m writing this post today from my home office, but tomorrow I’ll be in an office on Dell’s main campus. The flexibility to work from home helped me focus on my fitness and lose more than 30 extra pounds last year, but 20 percent of our survey participants indicated they exercise less and 38 percent snack more when they work from home.

That disparity correlates with another study finding. When it comes to predicting whether technology will be beneficial or detrimental in the future, workers are split into two camps: Upsiders (44 percent) and Downsiders (56 percent).

The Upsiders are mostly in emerging markets, especially China, India and the United Arab Emirates. They believe that most problems can be solved with technology and they wouldn’t be happy without the latest tech. The Downsiders are nervous about the increasing role of technology in our lives and feel it separates people.

Both expect that technology will keep evolving, but that it will not fundamentally change the way in which people are working today. This study shows that while our workplace does indeed continue to evolve, we all perceive there will always be a role for humans. 

Technology can’t do everything, but it will continue to serve and thrive as an enabler for improving workers’ productivity, collaboration and communication.

So tell us, how did you work today?

About the Author: Laura Pevehouse

Laura Pevehouse was profiled as one of five “social media mavens” in the March 2009 issue of Austin Woman Magazine and named an AdWeek’s TweetFreak Five to Follow. She has been part of the Dell organization for more than 15 years in various corporate communications, employee communications, public relations, community affairs, marketing, branding, social media and online communication roles. From 2014-2018, Laura was Chief Blogger/Editor-in-Chief for Direct2DellEMC and Direct2Dell, Dell’s official corporate blog that she help launch in 2007. She is now a member of the Dell Technologies Chairman Communications team. Earlier in her Dell career she focused on Global Commercial Channels and US Small and Medium Business public relations as part of the Global Communications team. Prior to that, she was responsible for global strategy in social media and community management, as well as marcom landing pages, as a member of Dell’s Global SMB Marketing, Brand and Creative team. When she was part of Dell’s Global Online group, Laura provided internal consulting that integrated online and social media opportunities with a focus on Corporate Communications and Investor Relations. She managed the home page of, one of the top 500 global web sites in Alexa traffic rank, and first brought web feeds and podcasts to the ecommerce site. In her spare time she led Dell into the metaverse with the creation of Dell Island in the virtual world Second Life. Laura has earned the designation of Accredited Business Communicator from the International Association of Business Communicators, and received her Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Louisiana State University. Before joining Dell Financial Services in 2000, she worked at the Texas Workforce Commission and PepsiCo Food Systems Worldwide.