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Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver may Cause Lockups on Precision Tower 5810 Running Windows 7 x64

Zusammenfassung: This article describes an issue affecting Precision Tower 5810's running Windows 7 x64 where the Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver may cause lockups.

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A Precision Tower 5810 user reported random lockups and Blue Screen errors on their computer. The computer is equipped with a NON-RAID SATA hard drive connected to the on-board Intel SATA controller. The Operating System was a Dell Factory installation of Windows 7 x64 without modification other than normal Windows updates.

User stated the system would lock up or Blue Screen during usage USB devices would not always be recognized by the system. 


While troubleshooting it was determined that uninstalling the USB 3.0 driver resolved the issue. Attempting to reinstall version again resulted in the same Blue Screen error.

Research determined that Intel had an updated version of the USB 3.0 Driver.


The user downloaded version from Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver and updated the USB 3.0 driver on the system.

Since updating this driver the lockups and Blue Screen errors have ceased and the USB devices no longer disappear from Device Manager.


Betroffenes Produkt

Precision Tower 5810

Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

25 Feb. 2022



