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Dell Shared PowerEdge RAID Controller 8 Cards For Dell PowerEdge VRTX Systems User’s Guide

Installing or updating the driver package on RHEL using KMOD support

  • NOTE: This procedure is applicable for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 SP5, 6.6, 6.7 and 7.1.
Perform the following steps to install the RPM package with KMOD support:
  1. Uncompress the zipped tarball driver release package using the command tar vxzf <driver name>.
  2. Install the driver package using the command rpm –ihv kmod-megaraid_ sas-<version>.x86_64.rpm.
    • NOTE: Use rpm -Uvh <package name> when upgrading an existing package.
  3. Reboot the system for the updated driver to take effect.
  4. Verify that the driver has been loaded using the command modinfo megaraid_sas.
  5. View the list of controllers installed on your system using the command lspci | grep IOV.


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