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Dell Shared PowerEdge RAID Controller 8 Cards For Dell PowerEdge VRTX Systems User’s Guide

Secured foreign import errors

A foreign configuration is a RAID configuration that already exists on a replacement physical disk that you install in a system. A secured foreign configuration is a RAID configuration that was created under a different security key.

There are two scenarios in which a secured foreign import fails:

  • The passphrase authentication fails—A VD secured with a security key different from the current controller security key cannot be imported without authentication of the original passphrase used to secure them. Supply the correct passphrase to import the secured foreign configuration. If you have lost or forgotten the passphrase, the secured foreign disks remain locked (inaccessible) until the appropriate passphrase is entered or if they are cryptograhically erased.
  • The secured VD is in an offline state after supplying the correct passphrase —You must check to determine why the virtual disk failed and correct the problem. See the topic Troubleshooting.


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