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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Accessing thin client BIOS settings

This section describes about the Wyse 5070 thin client UEFI BIOS settings. While starting a thin client, a Dell logo is displayed for a short period.
  1. During start-up, press the F2 key. and enter the default password Fireport.
    The BIOS settings dialog box is displayed.
  2. Use the System Setup settings to change the BIOS settings.
    NOTE There is an option to restore BIOS defaults, Factory Defaults, and Custom user settings for Users in the BIOS menu. BIOS default setting restores the values that was part of the BIOS file. Restoring Factory default restores the BIOS setting to the values that was configured in factory before shipping the client.
To access the boot menu during start-up, press the F12 key. Use the Boot Selection menu to select or view the boot sequence order as follows:
  • Boot from UEFI: Hard Drive, Partition 4
  • Onboard NIC (IPV4)
  • Onboard NIC (IPV6)

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