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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Setting the keyboard preferences

The Keyboard setting page enables you to set the Keyboard preferences and make the Keyboard layout.
NOTE By default, the Keyboard screen is available in both User mode and Admin mode. Any changes made through Keyboard preferences screen is saved and continued for the built-in thinuser
Figure 1. Keyboard Preferences
Keyboard preferences
  1. Click the ON/OFF button to disable or enable the Key presses repeat when held down option after you log in to the session.
  2. Move the slider to the left to decrease the repeated delay time of the pointer or move the slider to the right to increase the repeated delay time of the pointer.
  3. Move the slider to the left to decrease the repeat rate of the pointer or move the slider to the right to increase the repeat rate of the pointer.
  4. In the keyboard layout box, select the layout you want to use and click Add to include the preferred layout in the currently added layouts list.
  5. Select the preferred keyboard layout from the currently added layouts list, and click Set as Default Layout button to set the default layout.
    NOTE The default keyboard layout is listed on the top of the currently added layout list.
  6. Click Save to save your changes.

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