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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Automatic and manual login

What you see when a thin client turns on or reboots depends on the administrator’s configuration. After creating a user account, an administrator can configure the account to log in automatically or manually with user credentials. Ensure that you disable the Unified Write Filter (UWF) before you change a password on the thin client, and then enable UWF after your change. To change the password, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, and then click Change a password. However, this feature is not applicable for User accounts.


CAUTION: Please follow proper write filter and Windows Page File usage instructions at all times. Such instructions include making sure that the write filter is enabled during regular use and is disabled only temporarily by an administrator when required for image upgrades, applying security patches, registry changes and application installation. The write filter should be re-enabled as soon as such tasks are completed. Such instructions further include never enabling the Windows Page File feature during regular use of the thin client. 

Any operation of a Dell Wyse Windows Embedded Thin Client with the write filter turned off during regular use and/or with the Windows Page file enabled will prematurely wear out your Flash/SSD storage, decrease performance and decrease the lifespan of the product. 

Dell is not responsible for, and will not, warrant, support, repair or replace any thin client device or component that fails to operate properly due to a failure to follow these instructions. 

When you start the thin client, you will automatically log in to the user desktop by default.

NOTE The Windows icon on the taskbar is the start menu button.
To log in as a different user or administrator:
  1. Go to Start > User icon > Sign Out to log out from the current desktop.
  2. Click anywhere on the lock screen to view the login window.

  3. You can view the user accounts list on the screen. Click the preferred user account and then enter the login credentials.

    • Administrators—The default user name is Admin and the default case-sensitive password is DellCCCvdi.
    • Users—The default user name is User and default case-sensitive password is DellCCCvdi.

    • Customized User—Log in to your thin client by entering the user credentials which you have set for the customized user account.

If automatic login is not enabled, the login window displays when you boot the thin client device. You can log in using the options mentioned in step 2 and step 3.

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