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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Configuring the display setup

Use the Display Setup dialog box to configure the display settings for the connected monitors.

To configure the display setup:
  1. From the desktop menu, click System Setup, and then click Display.
    The Display Setup dialog box is displayed.
  2. In the Display Setup dialog box, configure the following options:
    • Mirror mode—Select the Mirror mode check box to enable all connected monitors to use the same display settings configured on the primary monitor.

      The following screen represents the Mirror mode configuration.

      If you clear the Mirror mode check box, the Span Mode is enabled. The following screen represents the span mode configuration.

      Blocks displayed on the screen represent the number of monitor screens connected to thin client. Each block represents a single monitor screen.

      Every monitor contains a unique display order number and display configuration. To construct a new display layout, move the blocks to your preferred position, and click Apply. A new display layout is created. However, the system sets the block to its default position if the block is moved to an incorrect position.

      NOTE Wyse 5070 thin client supports up to six monitors.
    • Main screen—Select the Main screen check box to set the monitor as primary monitor or main screen. To set a monitor as main screen, click the monitor block, and select the Main screen check box. After you set the monitor as main screen, the monitor block is highlighted with an underline, and the Main screen option is disabled for that monitor block. The Main screen option is available for other monitor blocks.
      NOTE Main screen option is effective only in Span Mode and always disabled in Mirror Mode.
    • Resolution—From the Resolution drop-down list, select a display resolution supported by your monitor.

      In Mirror Mode, the resolution list is derived from the intersection of resolutions in all connected monitors.

      In Span Mode, select a monitor block and change its resolution from the Resolution drop-down list.

    • Rotation—From the Rotation drop-down list, select an option to rotate the monitor screen in different directions—Left turn 90 degrees or Right turn 90 degrees. By default, the option is set to None.
  3. Click Apply.
    The new display settings are applied, and you can see the modified display.
  4. Click OK to confirm the new settings.
NOTE Use the Identify option, to know the display order number of the connected monitors.

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