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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Enabling auto logon

Automatic logon to a user desktop is enabled by default on the thin client device. To enable or disable auto logon, and to change the default user name, password, and domain for a thin client, use the auto logon feature.

To enable/disable auto logon:
  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Go to Start > Dell Thin Client Application.
    The Dell Thin Client Application window is displayed.
  3. On the left navigation bar, click Auto Logon.
  4. To start with the admin logon page, enter Admin in the Default User Name field.
    NOTE By default, the Enable Auto Logon check box is selected.
  5. If you want to start with the Logon window with default administrator and user selections and other accounts, clear the Enable Auto Logon check box.
    CAUTION To permanently save the information, disable/enable the Unified Write Filter (UWF). For more information, see Before Configuring your thin clients.

    If auto login is enabled and you log off from your current desktop, the lock screen is displayed. Click anywhere on the lock screen to view the Logon window. Use this window to log in to your preferred administrator or user account.

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