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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Secure Boot screen options

Table 1. Secure Boot screen optionsSecure Boot screen options
Options Description
Secure Boot Enable This option enables or disables the secure boot feature. By default, the Secure Boot Enable option is not set.
Secure Boot Mode This option enables you to change the secure boot operation mode, modifies the behavior of secure boot to allow evaluation or enforcement of the UEFI driver signatures. The options include:
  • Deployed Mode
  • Audit Mode
Expert Key Management This option enables you to manipulate the security key databases only if the system is in Custom Mode. The Enable Custom Mode option is disabled by default. The options include:
  • PK
  • KEK
  • db
  • dbx
If you enable the Custom Mode, the relevant options for PK, KEK, db, and dbx is displayed. The options are:
  • Save to File—Saves the key to a user-selected file
  • Replace from File—Replaces the current key with a key from a user-selected file
  • Append from File—Adds a key to the current database from a user-selected file
  • Delete—Deletes the selected key
  • Reset All Keys—To reset the default setting
  • Delete All Keys—Deletes all the keys
NOTE If you disable the Custom Mode, all the changes are erased and the keys are restored to the default settings.

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