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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Logging on to the Wyse 5070 thin client running Wyse ThinOS

What you see after logging on to the server depends on the administrator configurations.
  • Users with a Classic Desktop - will see the classic ThinOS desktop with full taskbar, desktop, and Connect Manager familiar to ThinOS users. This option is the default out-of-the-box experience and is recommended for terminal server environments with published applications and for backward compatibility with ThinOS 6.x versions.

  • Users with a Zero Desktop - will see the Zero Desktop with the Zero Toolbar showing the assigned list of connections from which to select. This option is recommended for VDI and any full-screen only connections.

In any desktop case, you can select the desktop option you want (Classic Desktop or Zero Desktop) and create the connections you need using the Visual Experience tab on the Remote Connections dialog box.

To open the Remote Connections dialog box, perform one of the following tasks:

  • Classic Desktop — Click User Name , and then select System Setup > Remote Connections.
    NOTE User Name is the user who is logged-on and is located at the lower-left pane of the taskbar
  • Zero Desktop — Click the System Settings icon on the Zero Toolbar, and then select Remote Connections.

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