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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Power management screen options

Table 1. Power management optionsPower management screen options
Option Description
AC Recovery This option enables you to control the system’s behavior when AC power is restored after a AC power loss.
  • Power Off—enabled by default
  • Power On
  • Last Power State
Auto On Time This option enables you to set the time at which the computer must turn on automatically. The options include:
  • Disabled—enabled by default
  • Every Day
  • Weekdays
  • Select Days
Deep Sleep Control This option enables you to determine on how aggressive the system is at conserving power while shutdown—S5 or in Hibernate (S4) mode. The options include:
  • Disabled—This option enabled by default
  • Enabled in S5 only
  • Enabled in S4 and S5
Fan Control Override This option enables you to determine the speed of the system fan.

By default, the Fan Control Override option is disabled.

USB Wake Support This option enables USB devices to wake the system from standby.
NOTE This feature is only functional when the AC power adapter is connected. If the AC power adapter is removed during standby, the system setup removes power from all the USB ports to conserve battery power.

The Enable USB Wake Support option is enabled by default.

Wake on LAN This option enables or disables the feature that powers on the computer from the Off state when triggered by a LAN signal. The options include:
  • Disabled
  • LAN Only—This option is enabled by default.
  • LAN with PXE Boot
Wake on 2nd NIC (RJ-45/SFP) This option enables the computer to power up from the OFF state when triggered by special LAN signals. The options include:
  • Disabled—This option is enabled by default.
  • LAN Only
  • LAN with PXE Boot
Block Sleep The Block Sleep option blocks you from entering to sleep mode in the operating system environment.

Block Sleep—This option is disabled by default.

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