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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Power behavior

Table 1. Power behaviorPower behavior
AC adapter System behavior POST error message
AC adapter power is greater than or equal to the system power requirement at full CPU speed. System boots normally and allows CPU to run at full speed. None
AC adapter Power is less than the system power requirements at full CPU speed. Lower the maximum CPU speed to a value that does not exceed the power available by the AC adapter. Alert—xxxxxxW AC power adapter has been detected, which is less than the recommended xxxxxxW AC adapter originally shipped. The system adjusts the performance to match the power available. Connect a Dell xxxxxxW AC adapter or greater for best system performance.
AC adapter is not genuine Dell. Limit the CPU speed to the lowest possible value. Alert—xxxxxxW AC power adapter has been detected, which is less than the recommended xxxxxxW AC adapter originally shipped. The system adjusts the performance to match the power available. Connect a Dell xxxxxxW AC adapter or greater for best system performance.
AC adapter power is less than power state of CPU. No boot or error message, but the system shuts down. If the system is able to boot:

Alert—xxxxxxW AC power adapter has been detected, which is less than the recommended xxxxxxW AC adapter originally shipped. The system is unable to boot. Please connect a Dell xxxxxxW AC adapter or greater for best system performance. Press any key to shut down.

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