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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Setting up the thin client

This section explains how to setup the Wyse 5070 thin client on premise.
The Wyse 5070 thin client can be setup with any one of the operating systems at your work place:
  • ThinOS
  • Windows 10 IoT Enterprise

  • ThinLinux

To set up the Wyse 5070 thin client, do the following:
  1. Install the stand.
    Figure 1. Installing the stand
    Installing the stand
  2. Connect the keyboard and mouse.
    Figure 2. Installing keyboard and mouse
    Installing keyboard and mouse
  3. Connect the network cable.
    Figure 3. Installing network cable
    Installing network cable
  4. Connect the display and press the power button.
    NOTE The Wyse 5070 thin client must be mounted only on a vertical orientation.
    Figure 4. Connecting the display
    Connecting display and powering on
  5. Connect the power cable and route the power cable through the cable clip, and press the power button.
    Figure 5. Connect the power cable
    Connect the power cable

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