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Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client User Guide

Logging on to the Wyse 5070 thin client running ThinLinux

On your initial configuration, Dell recommends that you connect by using a wired connection by plugging in the network connected ethernet cable to your thin client.

After you turn on your thin client, you are automatically logged in to the local thinuser account. By default, the password of the thinuser account is set to thinuser.

NOTE In cases where a GDM login is needed (for example, AD/Domain login, PNAgent login and so on), the auto-login option can be turned off through the GUI or by using the INI.

Admin mode enables you to perform system administration tasks such as adding or removing connections and setting up specific device settings. To enter into the Admin mode, click the Switch to Admin button from Setting application screen to admin mode and then enter the default root password in the Password Needed window. The default root password is admin.

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