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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide



Option --nextboot
Valid Arguments <valid device name> (from the bootseq option device list)

Sets the specified device as the first device in the boot order for the next boot cycle only. The device must be a device from the bootseq option device list. Run the bootseq option to see a list of available device names. For more information, see --bootmode . This option is not replicated.

Example 1:

A:>syscfg --bootseq
Device 1: floppy.emb.0 -Diskette Drive A:
Device 2: cdrom.emb.0 -CD-ROM device
Device 3: hdd.emb.0 - HardDrive C:
Device 4: nic.emb.1 -Intel Boot Agent Version 4.0.17
Device 5: nic.emb.2 -Intel Boot Agent Version 4.0.17

Example 2:

A:>syscfg --nextboot=nic.emb.1
Applicable Systems All PowerEdge systems prior to PowerEdge 12G systems.

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