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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


Initializing Virtual Disks

The following table lists the RAIDCFG options, parameters, and pre-defined arguments for initializing selected virtual disks.

Table 1. Initializing Virtual Disks
Mandatory Options and Arguments Optional Parameters Valid Parameters Arguments Description
-vd -c=id -vd=id -ac=fi or vdisk controllerid=id vdisk=id action=fastinit NA NA

Initializes the selected virtual disk in the selected controller with the fastinit command. This feature is supported on PERC 5 and later controllers and is not supported on SAS controllers.

Using the fastinit command on unsupported controllers returns an error.


A:>raidcfg -vd -c=2 -vd=2 -ac=fi
-vd -c=id -vd=id -ac=sli or vdisk controllerid=id vdisk=id action=slowinit NA NA

Initializes the selected virtual disk in the selected controller with the slowinit command. This feature is supported on PERC 5 and later controllers and is not supported on SAS controllers. Using the slowinit command on unsupported controllers returns an error.


A:>raidcfg -vd -c=2 -vd=2 -ac=sli
-vd -c=id -vd=id -ac=ci or vdisk controllerid=id vdisk=id action=cancelinit NA NA

Cancels the initialization of the virtual disk with the cancelinit command. This feature is supported on PERC 5 and later controllers and is not supported on SAS controllers. Using the cancelinit command on unsupported controllers returns an error.


A:>raidcfg -vd -c=2 -vd=2 -ac=ci

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