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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide



Table 1. serialuseraccess options
Option Sub-option Valid Arguments Description Applicable Systems
serialuseraccess or sua     Configures the privilege level and channel accessibility associated with a specified User ID for the serial channel. This option can be replicated. All PowerEdge systems
  --userid 2–16, if your system has a DRAC 5 controller Sets the User ID. This sub-option can be replicated.  
  --usrprivlmt user, operator, administrator,noaccess Sets the maximum BMC user privilege level for the serial channel for the User ID specified using the userid sub-option. This sub-option can be replicated. This sub-option is dependent on the userid sub-option.  
  --currentenableduserids NA Reports the number of currently enabled User IDs on the serial channel. This sub-option can be replicated.  
  --useridswithfixednames NA

Reports the number of User IDs with fixed names on the serial channel. This sub-option can be replicated.

Example 1 (to enable User ID 2 on the serial channel with administrator privileges ) :

A:>syscfg serialuseraccess --userid=2 --usrprivlmt=administrator

Example 2 (to enable User ID 4 on the serial channel with user privileges ):

A:>syscfg serialuseraccess --userid=4 --usrprivlmt=user

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