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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


System Security

Table 1. System Security Options
Group Option Valid Arguments Description
System Security --AcPwrRcvry On, Off, Last Specifies how the system will react after AC power has been restored to the system. It is especially useful for people who turn their systems off with a power strip.
  --AcPwrRcvryDelay Immediate, User, Random Specifies how the system will support the staggering of power-up after AC power has been restored to the system.
  --AcPwrRcvryUserDelay < integer> Controls the user defined AC Recovery Delay. Enter a delay in the range of 60 seconds to 240 seconds.
  --AesNi Enabled, Disabled Displays the current status of Intel Processor AES-NI feature.
  --BiosUpdateControl Unlocked, Limited, Locked Locks, unlocks, or limits the BIOS update using DOS or UEFI shell based flash utilities. For environments not requiring local BIOS updates, it is recommended to set this field to Locked.
  --IntelTxt On, Off Turns the Trusted Execution Technology on or off. To enable Intel TXT, VT must be enabled, and the TPM must be enabled with pre-boot measurements and activated.
  --NmiButton Enabled, Disabled Enables or disables the Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) button on the front panel.
  --PasswordStatus Locked, Unlocked Locks the system password. To prevent the system password from being modified, set this option to locked and enable setup password. This field also prevents the system password from being disabled by the user while the system boots.
  --PwrButton Enabled, Disabled Enables or disables the power button on the front panel.
  --SetupPassword < string> Displays the password and allows the password to be set or modified. The password can be up to 32 characters long and contain most of non-shifted letters, numbers, and punctuation.
  --SysPassword < string>> Displays the password and allows the password to be set or modified. The password can be up to 32 characters long and contain most of non-shifted letters, numbers, and punctuation.
  -- SystemCpldVersion NA Displays the current revision of the Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) of the system.
  --TcmActivation NoChange, Activate, Deactivate Allows the user to change the operational state of the Trusted Cryptography Module (TCM). This field is Read-Only when TCM Security is set to Off.
  --TcmClear Yes, No
  • CAUTION: Clearing the TCM will cause loss of all keys in the TCM. This could affect booting of the operating system.

When set to Yes, all the contents of the TCM will be cleared. This field is read-only when TCMSecurity is set to Off.

  --TcmSecurity On, Off Controls the reporting of the Trusted Cryptography Module (TCM) in the system.
  --TpmActivation NoChange, Activate, Deactivate Allows the user to change the operational state of the Trusted Platform Module (TPM). This field is read-only when TPMSecurity is set to Off.
  --TpmClear Yes, No
  • CAUTION: Clearing the TPM will cause loss of all keys in the TPM. This could affect booting of the operating system.

When set to Yes, all the contents of the TPM will be cleared. This field is read-only when TPMSecurity is set to Off.

  --TpmSecurity Off, OnPbm, OnNoPbm Controls the reporting of the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) in the system.
  --TpmStatus NA Displays the current status of TPM.

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